Did you know that there’s a thrilling drone competition out there? Drone racing is an exhilarating sport that requires exceptional control and skill. It’s not an easy feat to master the art of piloting a drone. Without precise control, one wrong move can lead to disastrous outcomes, resulting in both the loss of the game and potential destruction of the expensive equipment. A momentary lapse of control can spell disaster, causing contestants to lose thousands of dollars in equipment and prize winnings. Drone racing is a sport that demands quick decision-making and skillful execution. One wrong move, and it’s game over.
Allow me to share a personal story about my first encounter with a drone. Being inexperienced, I lacked the necessary control and unfortunately lost control of the drone. It ended up flying into my neighbors’ property, and I was unable to retrieve it. When we finally found it, it had been destroyed, likely due to collisions with nearby structures.
Now, let’s shift gears and delve into a different topic—the last fruit of the spirit: Temperance. In a regular dictionary, temperance is defined as the quality of moderation or self-restraint. It’s about having control over one’s spirit, as described in the Hebrew meaning. Today, we will explore what the Bible has to say about temperance or self-control, focusing on Proverbs 25:28.
Proverbs 25:28 states, “Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls.”
To be honest, discussing self-control can be challenging. We often resist the idea because we fear losing our freedom and feeling confined. As human being, we naturally gravitate towards the things we enjoy, and our society and culture promote an uncontrollable lifestyle. The concept of self-control may make us feel imprisoned, limiting our choices and experiences.
Self-Control as Protection
Returning to the verse, it compares lacking self-control to a city without protective walls. In ancient times, city walls were crucial for defending against enemies. Likewise, self-control acts as our defense against temptation. Temptations surround us daily, but without self-control, we become vulnerable. It becomes easier to give in to anger, to become impatient with our parents or friends, and to follow the crowd blindly. Lack of self-control makes us susceptible to engaging in harmful behaviors.
Contrary to popular belief, self-control brings freedom.
In 2 Corinthians 3:17, it is stated, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
Self-Control as Freedom
Many teenagers misunderstand self-control as a constraint on their freedom. However, the city mentioned in Proverbs symbolizes our own lives. When we exercise self-control, we enable ourselves to live freely, protected from the dangers of the outside world. Self-control liberates us from the bondage of sin and empowers us to live in alignment with God’s will. As we allow God to guide us through the Holy Spirit, we experience true freedom.
Self-Control as “Letting God”
Throughout the Bible, Jesus exemplified self-control in the face of pressure, adversity, and temptation. His self-control ultimately led Him to the cross for our salvation. It is essential to note that self-control is not truly virtuous unless we surrender that control to God. Submitting ourselves to God does not mean losing our free will; rather, it means recognizing that God knows what is best for us, being accountable to Him, and trusting in His guidance. When we are tempted to respond harshly or unkindly, self-control allows us to honor God by responding with love and grace.
Undeniably, cultivating self-control can be challenging, particularly in our society. We live in a culture that glorifies binge-watching, where everyone is told they deserve to have it all